Game Controls
Left Click/Space - ShootRight Click/Shift - Secondary ability
Mouse - Aim
W - Move up
S - Move down
A - Move left
D - Move right
E - Toggle Autofire
C - Toggle Autospin
R - Toggle Override
N - Level up
M - Maximize stat
L - Show debug info
Y - Toggle Class Tree
Q - Switch spectate entity
H - Control Dominator/Mothership
Developer/Beta-Tester Controls
` - Access TESTBED/DeveloperO - Toggle rainbow mode
P - Reset tank
X - Toggle passive mode
K - Suicide
J - Reset color
F - Spawn entity
I - Spawn multibox clone
V - Toggle stealth mode
G - Kill entity
U - Drag entity
Z - Take over entity
Mobile Controls
Left Joystick - MoveRight Joystick - Aim and shoot
Double tap (Right side of the screen) - Secondary ability
Standalone Instructions
Windows/Chrome OS/Linux - In your tab, navigate to the three dots, navigate to "More tools" and click "Create shortcut..." and select "Open as window"IOS/Mac OS - Click the Options/Share button and click "Add to Home Screen"
Android - Click the three dots and click "Add to Home Screen"